Food manufacture

Housekeeping and Hygiene

Duration: approximately 3 hours self-paced

Recognise the importance of housekeeping and hygiene in a food factory. It's vital role in maintaining food safety and health and safety is all described within this course. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step

If you would like to purchase a course for multiple people, please contact us on 01287 640062 or so we can process a bulk course order for you.


What will the course cover?

  • Define the key features of a cleaning procedure
  • Understand how to prepare, carryout and complete cleaning operations
  • List the steps in the six stage cleaning method
  • State how to determine the level of cleaning performed
  • Identify what cleaning resources are required for effective cleaning
  • Explain the importance of Clean in Place systems
  • Summarise the parameters used to determine acceptable and unacceptable limits in a CIP system
  • Identify the checks completed to maintain a CIP system
  • Describe the importance of environmental Monitoring systems
  • List the features of an environmental monitoring system
  • Recognise the importance of waste management within a food factory
  • Recognise how waste facilities are managed