Food manufacture

Health and Safety, COSHH and Fire Awareness

Duration: approximately 5 hours self-paced

This course is suitable for everyone working in food manufacture or wanting to work in the food industry, it explains the important subjects of health and safety, COSHH and fire awareness. Validated by Occupational Awards Ltd.


Payment taken at next step

If you would like to purchase a course for multiple people, please contact us on 01287 640062 or so we can process a bulk course order for you.


What will the course cover?

  • Define the purpose of health and safety in a food factory
  • Recognise what is included in a health and safety policy and manual
  • Compile the employers and employees responsibilities in regards to health and safety
  • List types of staff training related to health and safety
  • Investigate causes of accidents and risk factors
  • Understand how to report an accident correctly
  • Outline the RIDDOR legislation and what accidents are relevant to it
  • Recognise the purpose of risk assessments and how to carry out a risk assessment
  • Describe the function of different PPE worn in a factory
  • Understand the purpose and different types of safety signs
  • Recognise the causes, prevention, and action to be taken with fires
  • State the causes and preventative action taken regarding electrical accidents
  • Outline the importance of COSHH and what it involves
  • Identify the causes and preventative actions taken regarding transport and handling accidents
  • Understand health risks associated with display screens and how to prevent them